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09 November 2022

A Stronger 1st Deer Park Scouts to support young locals

A re-elected Andrews Labor Government will ensure 1st Deer Park Scouts can continue to do great work locally.

Labor will invest $140,000 to continue to support the group to upgrade their facilities.

For years, Deer Park Scouts have supported thousands of young people, running an adventurous and fun program helping teach kids life and leadership skills.

Scouting activities support young people’s development and growth by creating opportunities for them to lead in their communities.

Scouts Victoria is one of the state’s largest youth organisations and has a membership base of more than 20,000 young people and 5,000 adult volunteers. The number of young people participating in scouting activities has grown by 30 per cent in the last 10 years.

This builds on the Labor Government’s  $5.5 million investment over four years to build, upgrade or refurbish 23 Scout Halls across Victoria.

Only Labor is doing what matters – backing our important local scouting groups. 

Quotes attributable to Minister for Youth Ros Spence

“Only Labor will continue to invest in Scouts across Victoria so that young people from all backgrounds have the opportunity to get involved.”

“We promised to invest $5.5 million in building and upgrading scout infrastructure across Victoria - and we’ve delivered.”

Quotes attributable to the Labor Candidate for Kororoit Luba Grigorovitch

“An investment in scouting is an investment in young people across Victoria. Deer Park Scouts play a vital role in our community, that’s why a re-elected Andrews Labor Government will invest $140,000 towards supporting growing participation. “

“Labor is doing what matters – we’re supporting young people to develop skills and make friends for life.”