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06 November 2022

A Better Ian Cowie Reserve A Win For Community Sport

Families in Kororoit will enjoy upgraded facilities, thanks to a re-elected Andrews Labor Government.

We’ll invest up to $2 million towards the redevelopment of the clubroom facilities at Ian Cowie Recreation Reserve, delivering new facilities that the whole community can be proud of.

Local clubs work hard to fundraise for better facilities for their teams but as more families struggle to make ends meet clubs may not be able to rely on the generosity of their members.

That’s why the Labor Government is backing local sports clubs and families to deliver better sports grounds and facilities.

Labor has invested more than $1.6 billion to upgrade and improve local recreation reserves and sports grounds – making them better for local families.

We’ve delivered better courts and grounds, new scoreboards, lighting upgrades and changing facilities for clubs in every corner of the state.

Only a re-elected Andrews Labor will invest in the upgrade of clubroom facilities at Ian Cowie Recreation Reserve, looking after the needs of local families.

Quote attributable to the Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence

“Every parent wants to see their kids active and engaged – local sporting clubs are the heart of so many communities.”

Quote attributable to Labor Candidate for Kororoit, Luba Grigorovitch

“Community sport is part of the fabric of the Kororoit community. Every week, thousands of locals participate in organised sport - which is why Labor is so proud to be investing $2 million towards redevelopment of clubroom facilities at Ian Cowie Recreation Reserve.”

“Whether you're 9 or 90, Labor is doing what matters for community sport.”